Tag: Indigo

  • Vier BĂĽcher ĂĽber Indigo

    Four books on indigo



    in ,

    An anderer Stelle habe ich schon mal über einige meiner liebsten Färbebücher geschrieben. Passend zum Indigo Intro-Workshop ist es jetzt an der Zeit für Buchtipps speziell zum Thema. Also, meine Lieblingsbücher über Indigo!

  • Kurz + bĂĽndig: Färberwaid

    Short + sweet: Woad

    Woad, botanically Isatis tinctoria woad, has a long history in Germany, especially in Thuringia, where woad provided work and prosperity. The same applies to other regions in Central Europe, such as the southwest of France. Nevertheless, woad did not originally come from Central Europe. Woad was cultivated by humans very early on and has been used as a...

  • Indigo: Pigment aus Pflanzen gewinnen

    Indigo: How to extract pigment from plants

    Precious blue in green leaves Do you grow Japanese indigo or woad in your garden? Find instructions for making indigo pigment here, suitable for small and medium-sized quantities.

  • Einfach blau färben mit Indigo: Salz und frischer Färberknöterich

    Natural blue: Salt and fresh indigo leaves

    I have come to love this method of dyeing blue with indigo because it is so accessible. I can knead the indigo blue from freshly picked leaves directly from the plants in the garden without the need for much equipment or electricity! It works best with the fresh leaves of Dyer's knotweed (also known as Japanese indigo), Polygonum tinctorum.